This is a delightful experience I had many years ago in about 1956 or 1957, about two years before my High School graduation (1959). I was taking piano lessons from Professor George Fitzroy, a student of Rachmaninoff, Emeritus piano faculty at BYU.
After one of my lessons, he said that he wanted me to know that his perfect pitch was better than mine. I told him up front that I believed him and he didn’t have to prove anything. He said that he did. So he showed me three silver dollars, with different dates on them, one was an 1847 silver dollar. He said he was going to put them in a hat, shake them and while shaking them, he would lift one and listen to the difference in the sound. He then shook them just to let me hear the sound they made. They sounded like shaking the small metal slugs found at constructions sights—I couldn’t imagine anyone could really adequately determine pitch because they sounded like noise only.